Improving quality and access to Education.

Improving quality, access and relevancy to education is the key strategy that ACCOD embraces to support the education programs in the communities.

General view of the school

After the introduction of Universal Primary Education and Universal Secondary Education (USE) there was a big increase in the number of learners in schools. With the increased number of learners in schools, it latter compromised the quality of education because;

  • The classrooms were not enough to accommodate the learners hence overcrowding in class.
  • There were insufficient desks, textbooks…
  • The ration of learners to teachers was over stretched.
  • The ratio of student to latrine stance was over stretched hence it compromised the hygiene and sanitation in schools.

ACCOD implements projects that have contributed towards the attainment of Sustainable Development Goal 4

Construction and renovation of classrooms.
New classroom block
Old classroom

We have constructed and renovated classrooms in primary schools with an aim of improving in the poor infrastructure. This has helped to;

  • Improve on the quality of education among learners.
  • Increased enrolment in the supported schools.
  • Increased number of learners retained in school.
  • Improved attendance of learners.
Construction of sanitation and hygiene facilities in schools.
New latrine

ACCOD has supported schools with good hygiene and sanitary facilities through construction of latrines and hand washing facilities.

  • Provision of clean and safe drinking water for learners in schools to reduce on the long distances the learners used to walk to access clean and safe water.
  • Support lunch feeding program in primary schools.
  • Conduct internal and external refresher trainings for primary teachers.
  • Provision of desks and textbooks to schools.
  • Provision of learning aid materials stationery for teachers to use during scheming, lesson planning and making of learning aids.
  • Support sports activities in schools that can help to increase enrolment and retention of learners.